PUMA X 馬克白樂團『Keep Heat』後龐熱情永不抹滅
Linux Sed Command - The Geek Stuff 1.先簡單跟 JUKSY 讀者介紹一下你們吧!你們各自在馬克白樂團裡負責什麼樂器? 大家好!我們是 MACBETH 馬克白 余昊益:我是吉他手兼 Vocal - 余昊益 簡維甫:我是貝斯手 Wave 簡維甫 陳奕安:我是鼓手 - 陳奕安 還有一位 KeyboarAs part of our on going UNIX sed tutorial series earlier we covered the printing, deletion, substitution, file write, file manipulation commands etc., with the single line in the pattern space. In this article let us review how to do the multi-line operat...