Seed money - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia甲:“以前我經常和你爸爸下象棋。有一次,你爸爸只剩下一個像,我只剩下一個士。於是,我提議讓象和士都過河,你爸爸答應了。你爸爸就用他的象像我,我就用士士你爸爸。你爸爸又用他的象像我,我就又用士士你爸爸。你爸爸像我,我士你爸爸.你爸爸像我,我是你爸爸..乙:“滾” &Seed money, sometimes known as seed funding or seed fund, is a form of securities offering in which an investor purchases part of a business. The term seed suggests that this is a very early investment, meant to support the business until it can generate ...