seep out - Idioms by The Free Dictionary - Idioms and phrases出處:英國那些事兒 原文標題:外媒曝出艾瑪推掉愛樂之城的真正原因竟然是…沒想到你是這樣的girl 這周末奧斯卡就要播啦!在大家猜測大熱門的《樂來越愛你》(La La Land),會不會又扛幾座小金人回家時,外媒卻曝出 《樂來越愛你》的原定男女主seep out (of something) [for a fluid] to trickle or leak out of something. A lot of oil has seeped out of the car onto the driveway. There is oil seeping out. There must be a leak. See also: out, seep seep out v. 1. To escape or pass slowly through small ...