Fans Plan to Release Phantasy Star Online 2 So Sega Doesn't Have To [UPDATED] (爬蟲類預警,介意慎點) 話說,Lauren Ansell是一個來自澳洲昆士蘭的妹子… 前幾天,她跟男票正在準備晚餐… 當時,男票正在房子外面做BBQ... 突然來了一個不速之客... 一隻蜘蛛… 它就靜靜得靠在門上&helliUPDATE: Sega sent the following statement in reply to this story: We don't have a comment on PSO2 in general beyond what we've already said before - that the game is delayed and that we'll update the public when we have any news. If you follow the PSO2 sc...