select identity

"select @@identity;"-VBForums - VBForums - Visual Basic and VB .NET Discussions and More!在一個古老的山鄉,發現了一個古老的村落。由於他們世世代代和外界隔絕,宛如桃源中人,外界對他們產生了濃厚的興趣。於是一個漂亮的女記者前往這落後的山鄉,去採訪當地人。 她採訪的物件是一個50多歲的老者,知道他們世世代代與世隔絕的生活以後,女記者驚訝,繼而是好奇,於是她打算描寫一下他們與世隔絕生活中的喜怒I am finding that "SELECT @@IDENTITY;" works about 3 times out of 4. I have no idea why it decides not to work sometimes. Anyone else found "SELECT @@IDENTITY;" to be unreliable? My code writes a transaction and then debit and credit postings which ......


SELECT INTO IDENTITY - SQL Server Planet在趕羚羊市的監獄中,有一個人正在逃獄,這裡不是推進城,所以也沒有魯夫和艾斯幫他。 但是經過23小時59分59。99秒的追捕,還是被抓到了。 獄卒問犯人說:「你為什麼要逃獄哩!?」 犯人瞪著獄卒,兩眼如鷹,炯炯有神,散發氣質有如帝王……以上都不是,只是讓獄卒更加不爽而已。 Adding an identity column to a SELECT..INTO query is probably something I use nearly on a daily basis. I’m providing it here merely for reference purposes. ... The first parameter for the IDENTITY function is that data type. It must be of data type int, b...


SQL Server Forums - SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY母親帶四歲的兒子到美容院理髮○理髮小姐問:要理什麼樣的髮型呢?兒子立刻回答:就像我爸爸一樣,頭頂上有一圈光光的○ 有兩個吸血鬼餓得發慌,約瑟夫說:唉,好久沒有新鮮的血可以吸了,愛德華說:對呀,經濟不景氣,我現在都只能到女廁找個茶包來泡泡囉!病人:醫生,我得了怪病,吃什麼拉什麼,吃西瓜拉西瓜SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() is returned as a resultset, so you need to process it as a resultset I don't know anything about DotNet, but my understanding is that you cannot use command.ExecuteNonQuery() for this type of query, because it IS a Query and ......


sql server - Insert into select into multiple related tables using INSERT_IDENTITY - Database Admini有一位穿著簡陋的老太太去超級市場買了三罐貓罐頭, 正拿去結帳時, 結帳小姐說: 「老太太,妳必需把貓抱來,確定妳有養貓, 我才可以賣給妳,有些窮老人是會吃貓罐頭的!」 老太太沒辦法,就把貓抱來給結帳小姐看。 隔天,老太太又去超級市場買了三罐狗罐頭,正拿去結帳時Okay setting the scene. I have three tables, (Table1, Table2 and DataTable) and I want to insert into Table1 and Table2 using DataTable as source. So for every row in DataTable I ......


Enable Outlook’s ‘Select an identity’ option at launch | OfficeforMacHelp.com一個酷熱的夏日,一中年男子出差,因天晚住進一個小旅店,正要就寢突然電話響起對不起我是櫃台「我們旅店有特殊服務你需要嗎?」 「不了謝謝!」男子回答 男子放下電話輾轉反側,難以入睡 於是抓起電話:「櫃台,給我來一個特殊服務。」 不一會一年輕女郎進來,男子問一夜多少Hi William, I am following your instructions: quite all MS tasks running in the Activity Monitor, move the default Outlook Preferences file to Trash, restart Outlook. But Outlook never gives me the option to select and identity. I have created two Account...


sql - iSeries DB2 - Is there any way to select the identity value from an insert statement? - Stack 有一天...小明家裡面宴客...來了許多的客人... 小明的媽媽準備了一隻烤乳豬,準備招待大家...... 小明的媽媽突然想到有點事情要辦,於是交代小明... 「小明啊,10分鐘之後把烤乳豬從烤箱裡拿出來放到桌上啊!」 小明答應了...媽媽也就出門辦事去了..I am not sure of iSeries, but the following worked on db2v8.1: Consider 'ID' is the name of your identity column. The following stmt will return the newly generated id (the same one that gets inserted by the insert stmt): SELECT ID FROM FINAL TABLE ( INSE...
