How to overcome self consciousness and enjoy socializing 有時候我們以為自己正在愛那個人,但實際上愛上的卻是自己的幻象。 一見鍾情時,我們往往愛上的是想像中的完美愛人,而不是那個現實中的一見鍾情的對象。我們幻想他是忠誠的,是得體的,是有智慧的,幻想他有一切美好的特質,具備所有我們希望他具備的東西。如果此時別人不識時務地指出他不是我們以為的那個樣子,那麼我Train your brain to keep your focus off yourself in social situations so you can relax and enjoy it. ... Being self conscious is horrible. That nasty feeling that everyone is watching you, judging you and you are the unwanted center of attention....