How to overcome self consciousness and enjoy socializing什麼樣的避孕方法才是最好最安全的呢?今天(8月2日)是一年一度的七夕佳節,許多情侶,小夫妻聚集在一起,歡度這個屬於情侶們的節日,但是,在享受浪漫的同時,也別忘記了安全,如果你們還不想擁有一個七夕寶寶,那麼,必要的避孕措施就不能馬虎。 我們要浪漫,同時我們也要對愛負責,調查結果表明:有3Train your brain to keep your focus off yourself in social situations so you can relax and enjoy it. ... Being self conscious is horrible. That nasty feeling that everyone is watching you, judging you and you are the unwanted center of attention....