轎式休旅 Mazda 5產品魅力剖析
How to overcome self consciousness and enjoy socializing 自2011年底開始導入臺灣市場的第3代Mazda5,挾其MPV多功能休旅(Muti-Purpose Vehicle)的定位,與6+1人座加上雙側滑門的配置,長期以來都為消費者所青睞,在產品推出數年後,2014年仍擁有年銷突破6千輛、佔據國產休旅級距第6名的好成績;不難發現國人在用車需求上對「7人座Train your brain to keep your focus off yourself in social situations so you can relax and enjoy it. ... Being self conscious is horrible. That nasty feeling that everyone is watching you, judging you and you are the unwanted center of attention....