The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of I 話說, 在網上我們經常會看到很多的健美網紅秀自己的身體, 這些人的身材,往往都非常贊,線條的完美,感覺完全就是上帝的寵兒一般... 不過,這些讓人羨慕得流口水的人兒,難道真的天生就繼承了這麼完美的身材麼? 他們每天的工作,難道就"What a liberating book! McGonigal explains the scientific reality of willpower, exploding the myths most of us believe. Stronger willpower—based on inspiring facts, not oppressive nonsense—is finally within everyone's reach." —Geoff Colvin, author of Tal...