Job interview - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia1. 因為夫妻合併申報所得稅沒有比較省 2. 因為政府做的宣導短片不夠吸引人 3. 因為家裡黃曆找不到「宜嫁娶,鐵不離」的日子 4. 因為找不到兩個願意把新人推入愛情墳墓的「好友」 5. 因為家人給的壓力太大,不爽 6. 因為家人給的壓力太小,沒動力 7. 因為「受精卵」沒來亂 8. 因為怕朋友不多A job interview is a type of employment test that involves a conversation between a job applicant and representative of the employing organization.[1] Interviews are one of the most popularly used devices for employee selection.[2] Interviews vary in the ...