Examples of Self Introduction Speeches | PowerPoint Presentation 我的「媽媽咪亞」!真的是太感人!高雄一名薛姓男子,為了給當空姐的女友高女一場浪漫難忘求婚記,今年3月時安排一場超盛大的求婚儀式,動員超過50人,還事先向航警局報備。 當高女執行空姐任務從上海飛回高雄,走出入境大廳時,歌舞劇媽媽咪亞音樂響起,女方臉上展現不可置信的表情,而舞者也簇擁著她跳舞,場面看了Here you can find good self introduction samples that you can use for your own introduction using PowerPoint or social networks ... It is very hard for anyone to become master in oration because speaking about any person or about oneself is a very difficu...