selfie dictionary

Urban Dictionary: Selfie 國外的整人功力強大,話說這雙人組互整屢屢在 Youtube 上創上超高點閱率,這回被整的兄弟要來報仇,將朋友灌醉之後,營造出被強行割走腎臟的恐怖場景,不管是現場道具或是朋友的裝扮,都讓酒醉後醒來整個崩潰性的大叫,但全世界的網友們則是大大支持,至今累積了 1000 多萬的點閱率,就像愚人節加萬聖節的Hugh-man 1: Charles, my prince! I see you took a selfie last night! I found this out on the book of faces, on the interwebz. Ghastly stuff, those selfies! Hugh-man 2: Leave Charles alone! If he doesn't want to have friends, that is his prerogative! Charle...


selfie - definition of selfie in English from the Oxford dictionary 一定要看到最後!!真相令人吃驚!!     兇手竟然就是醜女!!這根本就不是愛呀… 圖片來源A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a.... Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to English reference content. ... More example sentences She then tweeted a "selfie" that shows her clearly wearing make-up. T...


selfie - Dictionary and Thesaurus | Merriam-Webster 我的家 我家有爸爸媽媽和我,每天早上我們三人就分道揚鑣,各奔前程,晚上又殊途同歸。 爸爸是建築師,每天在工地上指手畫腳;媽媽是售貨員,每天在櫃檯前來者不拒;我是學生,每天在教室里呆若木雞。 我們家三個成員臭味相投,家中一團和氣。但我成績不好的時候,爸爸也同室操戈,心狠手辣地揍得我五體投地;媽媽在一Learn More About SELFIE SCRABBLE ®: Playable words you can make from "selfie" Browse Next Word in the Dictionary: self–ignite Previous Word in the Dictionary: self–identity All Words Near: selfie Seen & Heard What made you want to look up selfie? Please ....


Selfie - definition of Selfie, Selfy, BuzzWord from Macmillan Dictionary. 如果萬聖節不想只有派對、變裝秀或誇張的嚇人方式(例如昨天介紹的電鋸殺人魔影片,點這裡)或許可以你嘗試稍微輕鬆一些,但又能達到整人效果的「微驚悚」作法,以下這些行徑既不會太過分,但又充滿娛樂氣息,非常適合慶祝萬聖節!   把你的臉部照片剪下,放入瓶子裡   在巧克力餅乾畫上些許蜘Selfie, BuzzWord from Macmillan Dictionary. Whats is Selfie? Define Selfie with Macmillan Dictionary.Description of selfie or selfy ... 'If cinema was the great art form of the 20th century, the selfie (a self-portrait uploaded to social media sites) will...


Urban Dictionary: selfie stick 兩個人在一起久了,好多年。感情已經很穩定、彼此瞭解、不會分手,覺得已經是家人、是親人了...一個眼神,一個微小的動作,都知道對方在想什麼、要做什麼,知道這輩子就是他了。一切都順理成章的進行著,就等著畢業、工作、結婚。 可並不能因為這樣的穩定,而忽略了生活上的細節,從而忽略了對方的感覺。就算再堅固的1. a selfie stick 2. slang for one's own johnson ... A monopod for dumb people who need to ruin perfectly good pictures but sticking their faces over part/most of it. Created primarily to allow girls (mainly) to fit more fake friends in to a picture and t...
