selfie disorder

The ‘Selfie’ Obsession: A Chronic, Narcissistic Mental DisorderSelf absorption A social connection Art We can laugh at social media users and scowl at celebrities obsessing with selfies, and even write-off this modern fad as merely annoying, but the mental disorder aspect is very real. What starts with an innocent ‘s...


The 'Selfie': Mental Disorder Or Insight To Getting Better Results? - ForbesI agree more people can provide recognition to others and often takes small effort but can make a big impact. I suppose many of us are now classified as having a mental disorder though, by the mere fact of doing what we have always done – taken pictures. ...


Did The APA Brand Selfie-Taking A Mental Disorder? Viral Story Is Mostly A Hoax一漂亮美眉長時間佔據ATM,並且不時打出一張收據。我在後面排隊等得不耐煩了。就伸頭看了一眼,發現屏幕上竟然顯示:“餘額不足”。只見美眉仍在不停的按取款,一張一張地收集打出來的居收據。大概5分鐘過去了,只見這漂亮美眉拿著一堆銀行憑條,急匆匆地奔向公廁。 A hot post on Facebook this week suggests that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has come out and officially declared taking a selfie to be a mental disorder. You’re reading this from SND’s “Hoaxed” section, so you know where this is going. Still...


Watch Selfie Episodes Online | TV Shows | SideReel一分鐘教你變身草泥馬!                                        “Instafamous” Eliza Dooley (Karen Gillan) has 263,000 followers who hang on to her every post, tweet and selfie. But one lonely day she has a revelation: being friended is not the same as having actual friends. She asks marketing guru Henry (John Cho) to ...


Watch Selfie Online - Streaming at Hulu - TV Shows and Movies - Watch Your Favorite TV Episodes and 老師在講,妳都沒有在聽!Watch Selfie online. Stream clips of Selfie instantly. ... Watch TV shows and movies free online. Stream episodes of Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy, SNL, Modern Family and many more hit shows. It appears that software on your computer is blocking JavaScript....


Addicting Info – Not Only Have There Been ‘Selfie’ Deaths, It Is Now A Mental Disorder Covered By Ob 台大醫生:「ㄟ...連先生..請將手放下,我們再重照一張X光片....」 The Oxford Dictionary now includes both the words ‘selfie’ (Oxford’s 2013 ‘Word of the Year’) and ‘selfitis,’ a word created by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) making the taking of selfies, in some instances, a mental disorder. The APA has crea...
