What is the difference between SEM and TEM techniques? - ResearchGate 1、海明威 美國作家、記者,被認為是20世紀最著名的小說家之一。第一次世界大戰期間他被授予銀製勇敢勳章;1953年,他以《老人與海》一書獲得普利策獎;1954年,他憑藉《老人與海》又奪得了諾貝爾文學獎。 “芳齡”十九。第一眼看到太震HI Neha, these are some of the differences • SEM is based on scattered electrons while TEM is based on transmitted electrons. • SEM focuses on the sample’s surface and its composition whereas TEM provides the details about internal composition. Therefore ...