粉色誘惑 - Prue Stent 攝影
Sena | Senabluetooth Prue Stent,現年21歲,澳大利亞攝影師。充滿誘惑的粉色系,宛如甜死人不償命的下午茶糕點,讓人想要抗拒卻又不自覺的伸手往前,品嘗每一口禁忌的暗示。Prue Stent 鮮明的個人風格,讓作品帶有著奇幻的魅力,每張作品就像是一段粉色秘密,使人困惑的同時又讓人無法停止繼續觀看。 【本文出處,更Sena informs that using this device in public traffic may not be authorized by the law. Please check your local law and use this device only out of public traffic such as private properties or closed circuits. If the simultaneous use of both ear speakers ...