經典重新詮釋 Clarks Originals x Milk Desert 聯名靴
Ugg boots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 為了慶祝東方的馬年到來,英國經典靴款品牌 Clarks Originals,推出相當具有馬年氛圍得鞋款,並與香港雜誌Milk Magazine 合作,打造馬毛材質以及不同素材結合的限定鞋款,特色十足。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載Ugg boots (sometimes called uggs)[1] are known in Australia and New Zealand as a unisex style of sheepskin boots. In the rest of the world, UGG is a brand manufactured by Deckers Brands, with registered trademarks in over 130 countries worldwide including...