LG UX 4.0 vs new TouchWiz vs Sense UI 7: UI comparison, vote for the better one here!年度快要結束了。某單位領導想起草一份獎狀,但不會打字。想起兒子上小學了又會上網(其實只會玩遊戲)就把兒子叫來: 爸:「你會打字嗎?」 兒子:「那當然,別忘了我是電腦高手哦。」 爸:「那我念你打。」 兒子:「好的,注音和倉頡我都會。」 於是費Is it going to beat LG UX 4.0 as well? It remains to be seen. As usual, we will compare the UIs in a few key areas and ask you which is the winner in each one. Voting will be open until May 6. Lock screen and home screen The trio is similar in terms of lo...