how to use | Instructions how to use a refresh - meta tags seo search engines 看現在人們的坐姿,真是各種各樣無奇不有。可是你也別小瞧了坐姿這些肢體動作,因為每個人不經意間透露出來肢體語言,可以透露出一個人的個性與心理秘密。你是否注意過你的男友、或身邊的朋友不經意間的坐相嗎? 自小,父母就教育我們要注意自己的坐姿,因為良好的坐姿對身體發育By using this tag you are able to define after how long a page has to be refreshed or after a certain period of seconds you want your visitor to be redirected to another webpage. ... How to use the html tag HTTP-EQUIV "REFRESH" By using this tag you are a...