Seoul National University of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 現年 25 歲的英國男子查普曼 (Jim Chapman) 跑遍全國攀山涉水,用各種「極端」方式洗頭,藉此展現自己絕對的膽量與創意。 查普曼曾搭乘時速 64 公里的快艇,將頭倒插進泰晤士河 (River Thames),任由濺起的河水沖掉滿頭泡泡;也曾到北The Seoul National University of Education (SNUE) is a government-run institution which provides training for future public elementary school teachers in South Korea. Founded in May 1946 under the name of Kyunggi Public Regular School, the university is t...