驚 中國人在製造末日逃生方舟
Samsung Series 7 Chronos review - Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features電影2012中,面對滔天的滅世洪水,世界合力在中國建造了方舟,挽救了一干眾人的生命。現在,這電影的情節似乎在現實中得到了重現。 中國發明家楊宗福(音)花兩年時間,耗資一百五十萬美元製作了這個非常結實的末日逃生裝置。它的代號是“亞特蘭蒂斯”,就是那個傳說中被水淹沒的大陸和它上面The Series 7 has a pretty nice grid of backlit buttons, and Samsung managed to fit in a number pad as well. Typing on the Chronos was a joy, as the chiclets are located in a recessed channel in the deck to allow for a nice, long throw with each press, and...