他突然在 LINE 上收到媽媽傳訊來「借30000元」,結果聊到最後的結果已經獲得網友的爆笑認證了!
Excel Master Series Blog翻拍自novelfeed(下同) 詐騙事件層出不窮你身邊一定有人碰過詐騙集團。最近她們的最新手法就是冒充你的親人然後向你借錢,面對這樣的情況你該如何面對呢?下面這位老兄的做法不僅把詐騙集團耍的團團轉,而且也逗樂了許多的網友在網路上造成迴響。詐騙哥表示: T_What's In It? For anyone who wants to be operating at a high level with the Excel Solver quickly, this is the book for you. Step-By-Step Optimization With Excel Solver is a 200+ page .pdf e-manual of simple yet thorough explanations on how to use the Exce...