set up

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set up - definition of set up by The Free Dictionary唉呀呀....感覺這位子很舒服wwwww Set (sĕt) n. Mythology Variant of Seth 2. set 1 (sĕt) v. set, set·ting, sets 1. To put in a specif ......


set up - Idioms by The Free Dictionary - Idioms and phrases 圖片來自: 今天就是蘋果iPhone 5的首賣日~相信不少住在首賣區的蘋果迷~七早八早就已經衝到了蘋果旗艦店準備要來排隊搶購全新iPhone 5吧~不過相信也有很多的台灣果粉們~都和應熊一樣只能在家含淚望機興嘆~不過沒關係~再繼先前應熊帶大家早一步看過iPhoset someone up to lead-by deception-a person to play a particular role in an event; to arrange an event- ......
