The Architect: Seth Rollins | The Architect: Seth Rollins 有28G傲人胸圍的「瑜珈女神」房妍最近接受宅男女神小歪街訪時,房妍不吝嗇向網友傳授「三招」,希望大家一起「長大」!房妍是在2015台北新車大展碰到小歪,原本應該是「雙峰對決」,但小歪在房妍28G的巨乳下,看起來完全就是小朋友,女神霸氣蕩然無存,只好乖乖訪問,不敢造次。而人很nice的房妍,除了接受Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring. He says this past Monday on Raw, he marched down to the ring and he did the unthinkable. He says you can boo all you want, but he is more of a man than any of you will ever be. On Raw, he came to this ring and he ca...