seven stars

Seven of Nine - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki   經濟獨立,是一個女人能夠給自己最好的禮物,也是邁向自由的第一步。 錢不在多少,而在於讓你有自由,有尊嚴,有話語權。畢竟手裡有錢,心裡才能有詩有花。   經濟自由才能感情自由 一個女人想要獲得感情上的自由,經濟獨立是第一步。只要你在金錢上依賴男人,就永遠沒辦法實現真正的自由。Seven of Nine (full Borg designation: Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01) was a... ... Disconnected from the Collective During the brief war between the Borg and Species 8472 in late 2373, the USS Voyager was caught between the two belligeren...


"Chumlee" of Pawn Stars arrested with seven pounds of marijuana | The Internet Chronicle    很多女人結婚前皮膚紅潤有光澤,可以踩着好看的高跟鞋,穿着漂亮的裙子,卻在婚後逃離不了廚房的忙亂、孩子的啼哭和越來越沒氣色的臉孔。 其實女人過得好不好,和結婚並沒有太大的關係,關鍵是你在愛情和婚姻里,一定要找個養得起自己的男人,好的婚姻是讓自己變好,而不是變糟。  LAS VEGAS — Austin “Chumlee” Rustle, known widely for his employment at the famed Gold and Silver Pawn Shop featured on “History” Channel’s “Pawn Stars” Reality Television Show, was arrested Friday for possession of over seven pounds of marijuana after .....


Seven Pounds (2008) - IMDb      如果要你用一輩子去等待一個人,你願意嗎?這個世界上有的人浮華,有的人淺薄,但是有一天你會遇到一個如彩虹般絢爛的人,讓你甘願為他忍受孤獨去等待,即使耗費青春。   照片上這對老人,結婚的時候已經83歲了,而為了這場婚禮,他們等了半個多世紀。 上個世紀Directed by Gabriele Muccino. With Will Smith, Rosario Dawson, Woody Harrelson, Michael Ealy. A man with a fateful secret embarks on an extraordinary journey of redemption by forever changing the lives of seven strangers....


Seven Springs Mountain Resort - Official Site   前幾天,朋友圈都被麥當勞改名字的新聞刷屏。 昔日的洋快餐改名為接地氣的金拱門,聽起來不再像是西方飲食連鎖店,倒像是香港食府。 調侃之餘,我查閱了麥當勞的前世今生,卻被它創始人的情感經歷深深打動。 人生最大的幸事,一定是夫妻三觀匹配,能夠風雨同舟。 在麥當勞成為商業帝國之前,它的創始人Seven Springs Mountain Resort, located in Seven Springs, Pa., is the perfect place for family vacations that create lifelong memories. Each year the family-friendly resort hosts more than one million overnight and day guests who enjoy a vacation that incl...


Seven Samurai (1954) - IMDb   世上的女人有千千萬萬種樣子,卻只有一種女人,讓你永遠相處不厭,那就是沒有脾氣的女人。   控制脾氣,才會贏得尊重 奧黛麗˙赫本曾說過,一個優雅的女人是不輕易生氣的,更多時候是不動聲色,不卑不亢。 林志玲曾一度被人諷刺是沒有演技的花瓶,她回應,「花瓶嗎,很好啊,這也是對外表的Directed by Akira Kurosawa. With Toshirô Mifune, Takashi Shimura, Keiko Tsushima, Yukiko Shimazaki. A poor village under attack by bandits recruits seven unemployed samurai to help them defend themselves....


Lightsaber combat - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki   人生最重要的三件事:吃飯、說話、睡覺。吃飯養胃,說話交人,睡覺養神!睡覺能儲備你白天的精力,睡得好的人,身體才會好,心情也會好。 睡得好不好,決定了你人生一半的快樂。所以這輩子,一定要嫁給能睡到一起的人。   睡服你,就是讓你睡得舒服 合適的人才能夠睡到一起。 如果彼此睡覺Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader duel in Cloud City Throughout the millennia since the lightsaber's creation, the art of dueling with them developed into seven "classic" forms and numerous other styles. It was difficult to master for a number of reasons, on...
