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Houri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 乾一行, 愛一行。   Coyote Peterson   說到野外求生, 大家第一時間想到的, 應該是那個站在食物鏈頂端, 傲視群雄的貝爺吧。     但今天, 非凡君要說的, 是另一個“畫風清奇”的美男子, 他於野外求生界, 簡直In Islam, houris (/ˈhʊəriz, ˈhaʊəriz/;[1] in Arabic, حورية, plural form of ḥūr, which means "gazelle-eyed") are said to be human-like, "splendid" "pure beings", created by God to serve as personal "companions" to believers in their afterlives in Paradise....


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia英國藝術家湯姆·沃德(Tom Ward)創作了一系列作品,主角都是迪士尼動畫片里的人物,不過...主題卻是反應社會現實,比如水污染、虐待動物...   他想表達的是:儘管動畫世界充滿了魔法和快樂的結局,但我們所生活的真實世界卻有嚴肅的問題必須面對!   小木偶和爺爺The primary authority on the design of the film was concept artist Albert Hurter. All designs used in the film, from characters' appearances to the look of the rocks in the background, had to meet Hurter's approval before being finalized. Two other concep...


Seven Psychopaths (2012) - IMDb ▲幸運獲救!(source:tapas,下同)   大家好,我是煞氣編。 大家有沒有聽過百慕達三角洲的傳說呢?只要經過那片海域的船隻或是飛機都常常會莫名的失事,很多科學家都做出推測與研究,覺得可能是磁場的原因造成飛機失事,不過今天這則恐怖漫畫還提供了另外一種方向!   &nbsDirected by Martin McDonagh. With Michael Pitt, Michael Stuhlbarg, Sam Rockwell, Colin Farrell. A struggling screenwriter inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends kidnap a gangster's beloved Shih Tzu...


North East India Seven States, Seven sister tour, Travel, Package tour to NE India▲(Source:@犬神洛洛子,下同。)   大家好,羊編的正妹時間又來了,絕對不藏私地公開分享,在網紅如此競爭的情況下,各方廝殺慘烈,能出頭的佼佼者一定都身懷絕技,或是有著不為人知的秘密,現在有臉有奶已經不稀奇了,而今天分享的這位@犬神洛洛子,在她身上就擁有這種特質,讓我們繼續看下去..Day 02: Guwahati / Shillong (95 Kms, 2 hrs drive) Morning after breakfast depart for Shillong, the Scotland of East. En route visit Barapani (Umiam Lake): As per the legends, two heavenly sisters decided to make their way to Meghalaya. However, one of the...


Fantasy Football News - ▲ 這一跳,一去不復返。(Source:DailyMail,下同。)   大家好,羊編從來沒有嘗試過極限運動,但一直都想去冒險,卻始終覺得沒有那個心臟,極限運動是在挑戰人體的極限機能,將肉體的不論是肌力或是神經爆發出來,感覺就像是全身上緊發條,繃緊了神經,或許對於極限玩家就是要不斷突破自Hardy has been suspended by the NFL, without pay, for 10 games, for conduct detrimental to the league, reports. Impacts: Per the report, Hardy will appeal his suspension, which notes is the outcome of the league's two-month investigation ...


How I Saved $13,000 For Travel In Just Seven Months | Adventurous Kate ▲ 開啟萬惡的開關,一秒上天堂。(Source:TheSun,下同。)   大家好,羊編的血拼時間到了,週末假期就是要到有冷氣的地方,而賣場或是百貨都是不錯的選擇,一邊看著食物一邊享受著免費的空調,真的是太爽了,而民眾卻發現了這對閒閒吃太飽的情侶,他們似乎想在公眾地方享受激情快感,TheSweet backpack! A separate travel account is ESSENTIAL for sure. I have two. My yearly travel savings account and the Big-Year-Off account. Sometimes I can’t put much in, other times I can dump a nice fat sum in each. The key is that it’s my #1 priority, ...
