Noah Cover of "Sexy and I Know It" by LMFAO - YouTube ▲女子在更衣,突然有無辜的男子闖入。(source:youtube,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 相信大家都有惡作劇的經驗吧?通常最好笑的惡作劇就是無哩頭到讓裡面的主角們完全傻眼! 根據youtube分享的一則影片,有一組團隊故意把原本的衣服店空間改造成惡作劇的場景:女子更衣室!重點Purchase my album here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/amo... Okay guys! So I've actually always wanted to cover this and I finally arranged a version of it that I hope you like! Anyway it was really fun doing this cover and I have more to come so stay...