中國萌Coser~賢兒sherry 不做作的自然派妹子!叫我賢哥就可以了(笑)
Noah Cover of "Sexy and I Know It" by LMFAO - YouTube原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:Audrina 真的很少介紹中國的Coser啊~ 因為有時候內地朋友的過度PS 讓A小編看完都有點心有餘悸…(☉д⊙) 但今天介紹的【賢兒Sherry】算是自然派的Coser~ 後製不會太誇張 萌度適度的展露無遺 近期COS的甲鐵城的卡巴內里(甲鉄城のカバネリ)Purchase my album here: Okay guys! So I've actually always wanted to cover this and I finally arranged a version of it that I hope you like! Anyway it was really fun doing this cover and I have more to come so stay...