Noah Cover of "Sexy and I Know It" by LMFAO - YouTube 網友回覆: (1)靠北 我真的想罵你! 什麼叫為你吃減肥藥 吃到死你也沒關係! 傻逼嗎! 身體是自己的 你都死了 還減肥屁! (2)噗 犯得著為這種妳嘴裡的爛貨糟蹋自己嗎? 今天吃減肥藥因為他說妳肥 明天他說妳床上不夠... 妳要約砲了嗎 (3)好好振作啊他不珍惜你,只有你才能珍惜自己。 為了孩子Purchase my album here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/amo... Okay guys! So I've actually always wanted to cover this and I finally arranged a version of it that I hope you like! Anyway it was really fun doing this cover and I have more to come so stay...