【JUKSY x HypeSphere】爽度破表!阿諾史瓦辛格全新生猛動作片《震撼殺戮》限制級片段釋
Media-independent interface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia HypeSphere 合作內容 由《火線赤子情》導演大衛艾耶(David Ayer)執導的全新警匪電影《震撼殺戮》(Sabotage)釋出了全新限制級片段,依舊「震撼」!上一次的限制級預告想必已經給予喜歡重口味的觀眾一個驚喜,這次的片段更是以短短1分鐘的攻堅內容再度重申了這部片的威力! The media-independent interface (MII) was originally defined as a standard interface used to connect a Fast Ethernet (i.e., 100 Mbit/s) media access control (MAC) block to a PHY chip. The MII design has been extended to support reduced signals and increas...