iPhone 5S / 5 Case Slim Armor S – Spigen Inc.「跟著女友走遍世界"不知道大家還記不記得之前爆紅的一組照片《Follow me》?俄羅斯攝影師Murad Osmann被女友Nataly Zakharova 拖著手環遊世界,他們的旅行還在繼續......但,你知道它背後的故事嗎?女友長什麼樣子?正面是否如背影一般依然攝人心魄?最近又有新作了,答案即The all-new Slim Armor® S for the iPhone 5/5S offers drop protection while maintaining a minimalistic look and feel. The redesigned TPU casing delivers improved The all-new Slim Armor® S for the iPhone 5/5S offers drop protection while maintaining a minim...