AccuAir GTI 5實裝車 上 如同原廠標配的氣壓品牌
Sharp Docomo SH-06D NERV Evangelion tested by - YouTube圖/童國輔 車輛/ Bolan Design Studio 0956-986812 網址/ 來自於美國的AccuAir,是專門生產氣壓避震器專用控制系統的品牌,其對於自家產品的設計有其獨道的想法,與目前市面上其他氣壓避震器的品牌有著相當不同的理念,如果您希望選擇一款Here is video review of Sharp Docomo SH-06D NERV tested by It has really outstanding design and user interface. It's really cool. See for yourself. Tested: - Design - In/Out calls - User interface - Camera More info about Sharp Docomo SH-0...