喜氣羊羊迎新春 生活精品領導品牌旺代推出乙未羊年應景商品
Getting "/bin/sh can't access tty job control turned off" after adding a new HDD 歲末將至,為了迎接慶祝農曆新年到來,生活精品品牌旺代企業推出一系列精彩應景的羊年獻瑞單品,包含來自日本、曾為日本皇室製作專屬高級瓷器的百年Noritakeu羊型擺飾和紀念盤,以及典雅的水晶品牌LOTUS推出的羊型水晶等。除了可以為家居擺設增添風尚之外,做為年節期間的伴手禮也非常合適體面。 ▼NorI have no idea if I'm allowed to post this here... wasn't there a subforum for other distros? I can't seem to find it. Anyhow, I'm having problems with my debian fileserver. I just installed a new HDD and I'm getting this error Decompressing Linux... Pars...