宅 House 攝影作品 - 王建揚
Share Of Wallet (SOW) Definition | Investopedia 人生就是這麼奇妙。記得前陣子在找資料,無意間看見一張圖,圖中兩位女孩巧妙的用棉被遮掩住重要部位,快樂的跳耀在空中,那畫面看起來好愉快,呆看了好久才想起方才的資料還沒有找齊。最近,又好巧的在網路上看見這張圖,更看見齊全的系列作品,至於怎麼遇見卻想不起來,好奇怪,很久沒有這樣的經驗,就像場夢境一樣,很A marketing term referring to the amount of the customer's total spending that a business captures in the products and services that it offers. Increasing the share of a customer's wallet a company receives is often a cheaper way of boosting revenue than ...