sharepoint 2013 apps

SharePoint 2013 apps overview - Upload, Share, and Discover Content on SlideShare 生活中人們習慣了女生在兩性關係裡落居於暴力的受害者,但事情未必總是如此。而我們也該自問,當看到一對情侶中的男生對女生大聲小叫甚至動手時,會有什麼樣的表現;而當情況顛倒過來,情侶中的女生對男生作出攻擊性的動作時,我們又會有什麼反應呢?如果我們的表現截然不同,這意味著什麼,是否也是一種變相的歧視呢? A brief overview of SharePoint 2013 apps ... Hello! We must say we were sort of inspired by this overview a year ago. At that moment we decided to build apps for SharePoint. Now we would like to show you what we've got....


Chris O'Brien: SharePoint 2013 apps – architecture, capability and UX considerations「你媽知道你在這裡發廢文嗎?」等等,這才不廢! 這可是我們鄉民網路用語的精華阿!   台灣,經常上網人口早就突破1100萬,光是PTT「全台灣最大的討論區」,註冊人數就超過一百五十萬,這些鄉民、網友們,來自四面八方,用創造力、想像力、KUSO網路用語.......來豐富這個世界。你準備好,UPDATE: this article turned into part 1 of a series on SharePoint apps - here's the table of contents: SharePoint 2013 apps – architecture, capability and UX considerations [this article] Getting started – creating lists, content types, fields etc. within...


[Sharepoint 2013] 設定 Sharepoint (http) 伺服器使用 Office Web Apps (http) 服務 - 余小章 @ 大內殿堂- 點部落 一個男子不慎被狗咬後竟獅​​子大開口,起訴紐約市要求獲得2,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 刀的賠償金。 該男子今年62歲,名叫Anton Purisima,他在公車上被一隻狗咬了中指後便一怒寫下22頁的訴訟。他表示所受到的悲慘遭遇re: [Sharepoint 2013] 在 http 環境中 設定 Sharepoint Server 使用 Office Web Apps Server 對外 (External) 服務 我很佩服你小章大大, 居然自掏腰包買 8GB RAM 通常這種事我們都是請採購來處理... XD 不過就我之前用 SharePoint 的經驗...


余小章 @ 大內殿堂 - Sharepoint 2013 據《每日郵報》5月22日報導,一對來自烏克蘭的年輕夫婦,在基輔的第聶伯河(Riv​​er Dniep​​er)上進行了一次非常特別的索道滑行。這次空中滑索的特別之處在於,他們直接用鐵鉤刺穿自己的後背,然後進行滑行。這一改變,讓本來就很刺激的空中索滑又增加了一份危險。這次他們計劃要用這種方式劃過35最新回應 re: [C#.NET] NUnit Test 初體驗 偷推一下 by Ghost re: [C#.NET] 如何自訂 Configuration Section to Cash : 感謝您的回覆,已更正 by 余小章 re: [C#.NET] 載入自訂 Configuration Section to Cash : 那我應該少寫LoadFile...


How To Configure SharePoint 2013 On-Premises Deployments for Apps - Premier Field Engineering - Site 1999年7月2日,在中美洲的哥倫比亞約有一百多名聖教徒,到阿爾里斯山的山頂去朝拜。這夥聖教徒相信1999年8月“世界末日”來臨,他們上山去祈禱上帝的拯救。誰知這夥教徒上山以後再沒有下來,就此失踪了。此事驚動了哥倫比亞,他們派出了大批警察在阿爾里斯山頂四周大面積尋找,並出動I am a SharePoint admin for the University of Colorado and saw your presentation at SPC2012 regarding SharePoint Apps. At that time I had not done much work in SP13 but am now very deep into it and have a question. I have setup SharePoint Apps as you ......


Announcing Visual Studio 2013 RTM - Apps for Office and SharePoint blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs 超可愛的大眼小貝比聽到媽咪唱《冰雪奇緣》的歌似乎很不滿,圓滾滾的眼睛噙滿的淚水,在一度呆滯後,隨即閉上眼睛瞥頭。小貝比就像許多人一樣對《冰雪奇緣》已經覺得受夠了,再也不想聽到安娜和艾紗啦! 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請標明原文網址及出處So far you’ve seen what’s new in the Visual Studio 2013 RTM Office developer tools. Now it’s the time to try them in Visual Studio 2013 to see how these great features can really help your daily work! As always, the apps for Office and SharePoint Dev Cent...
