Sports News & Articles – Scores, Pictures, Videos - ABC News 1,每次說完再見,他總要緊緊地將她抱在懷裡,默默地凝視她的眼睛,好像鬆開手就會觸到世界末日一般。每每此時,她總會心如鹿撞,希望就這樣抱到天荒地老。沒有慾望的擁抱是最動人的,借用阿基米德的理論就是:給我一個擁抱,我就可以擁有你全部的愛。2,他們還沒有到達親密無間的地步。一同旅遊時,她在座位上偷哭,他Find the latest sports news and articles on the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NCAA college football, NCAA college basketball and more at ABC News. ... CARSON, Calif. -- The last time Timothy Bradley Jr. was in the ring at the StubHub Center, he was one half of an.....