sharpe ratio calculation

GoGoFund--何謂夏普指數(Sharpe Ratio)?嘖嘖....這是要開去哪??? 何謂夏普指數(Sharpe Ratio)? 投資學有一個鐵律,即投資標的的預期報酬越高,投資人所能忍受的波動風險越高;反之,預期報酬越低,波動風險也越低。所以投資人選擇投資標的與投資組合的主要目的為:在固定所能承受的風險下,追求最大的報酬 ......


Performance Ratios: The Sharpe Ratio and Beyond » The Calculating Investor這也太壯觀... I’ve started to use the Omega Ratio as my “go to” performance benchmark because it addressess the shortcomings of traditional benchmarks like the Sharpe or Sortino Ratio. For example, the Sharpe Ratio approximates the returns distribution with the mean an...
