German Shepherd age - How old does my dog think it is? | MYGERMANSHEPHERD.ORG ▲左邊是小甜甜還是右邊?(source:臉書) 小甜甜自從改名為張可昀後,瘦身之路一路順遂,現在根本已經達到女神的境界了!她狠甩35公斤後,目前體重是50公斤。 小甜甜今天(11/22)在臉書PO文,小甜甜的經紀人無意間用手機拍了她和愷樂的背影,一看竟然讓小甜甜嚇到:「絕對沒P圖、修My German Shepherd just turned 12 on June 16 and was diagnosed with DM a few years ago. We've been blessed for it to have not progressed this badly until 2 weeks ago. He was just playing with the puppy this Sunday evening and since Monday, he has not been...