It Doesn't Have To Be Right... | … it just has to sound plausible原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 繼上次介紹了「女孩子最想看到的續集作品」 >> http://acg.ad2iction.com/?p=80492 後,接著要來介紹男孩子最想看到的續集作品, 到底會有哪些作品呢? 會不會有男孩子和女孩子都一樣期待的作品出線呢d(`・∀・)b 就... it just has to sound plausible ... For the forseeable future, this blog will likely contain more posts about films than books – if only because I watch more films than I read books (it being a time thing, and a bad-organisation-of-time thing – althoug...