She's Gone Lyrics by Hall & Oates | From Cherish Soundtrack我老子 ~ 對付我的方法時光倒回N年前,我 4 歲,老爸 33 歲「把拔~我要吃冰棒」父:不行,沒營養「我要吃!!!」父:別在街上吵,很難看「我要吃我要吃!!!!!!」中間哭鬧了5分鐘吧裫,其實在熱鬧的街上,拖著一個小鬼...吵死人的小鬼...是很丟臉的,今天換做是我一定會發火,但我老爸可是"真‧強She's Gone Lyrics by Hall & Oates from Cherish. Song Video and She's Gone lyrics: Everybody's high on consolation Everybody's trying to tell me what's right for me My daddy tried to bore me with a sermon but it...