強制關閉你的低頭慾 斷絕電磁波的時尚穿著
Northern New Jersey Chinese Association 根據統計,現代人平均每天低頭看手機高達150次,不管是在辦公室、在車上、在床上,拿起手機展現一指神功,似乎成了所有人不用經過大腦思考的反射性動作,甚至霸佔了應該留給身邊朋友、愛人、家人的時間。智慧型手機拉近了虛擬網路世界,卻把人與人推得更遠,也因為這點,日本設計師森永邦彥(Kunihiko MorFor years, NNJCA has been volunteered to cook through the year. Tina Chen was the lead for this cooking service. She prepared lots of food with special dish –Fried noodle. It was so good that a lot of them took the 2 nd dish....