Sheet Resistance - School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia I (翻攝自youtube) 因在《加勒比海盜》中出演美人魚而走紅的菲律賓女星達芙妮·喬伊(Daphne Joy)來到海邊度假,但疑似脫光光被人說暴露。其實她只是身穿肉色泳衣比基尼,遠看與肉身融為一體,就好像全裸一樣。 達芙妮·喬伊被網友稱為是個不折不扣的暴露狂,經常通過各Sheet Resistance In diffused semiconductor layers, resistivity is a strong function of depth. For circuit design, it is often convenient to work with a parameter called the "sheet resistance" (Rs). Consider the resistance (R) of the rectangular block of u...