Answers.com - Official Site 什麼?我們童年看的動畫片里 隱藏的富二代們竟然是他們? 「你們眼中的「富二代」」 小時候,懵懂單純的我們 都是看着日本動畫們長大的 要說起童年回憶里對 「富二代」的印象 你首先想到的是 《櫻桃小丸子》里優雅倜儻的土豪同學 花輪 ▼ Her favorite food is cake and her favorite book is always the next good one. After discovering Answers in 2008, she’s been very active this past year. With over 26,000 contributions, this Floating Supervisor and recent AnswerThon winner is an Editor at La...