shen lu piano

Senior Piano和老婆結婚沒幾年,一直知道老婆是個霸氣女, 但是, 我卻不知道老婆還有一個這樣奇葩的睡姿...昨天晚上,我剛洗完澡出來,老婆已經睡著了, 但是,突然看到這個姿勢,我震驚了啊~~~~ 於是,忍不住就模仿了一下,   10分鐘後,   我起不來了...   ▼老婆的奇怪睡姿Kiwanis Music Festival, Ottawa, Kiwanis, Music, children, Festival ... 4. Felix Lu Sonata in a minor D. 784 I: Allegro giusto II: Andante III: Allegro Vivace (Franz Schubert) 5. Haotian Yu Sonata No. 27 in e minor Op. 90 I: II: (L. van Beethoven)...


PianoTexas Young Artist Participants - 2015 PianoTexas International Academy & Festival▼示意圖 現代醫療無法醫治的疾病,但是否能「冷凍」病患,讓他們在未來世界獲得醫治? 這樣的橋段過去只在電影中發生,但現在卻有可能成真! 美國有醫療團隊宣布將展開首次人體冬眠實驗,希望該項技術在現階段, 能為病重病患爭取更多時間!據《The Daily Caller》報導, 美國賓夕尼亞州的匹茲堡大學Changxin Guan China Conservatory of Music Beijing, China Recitalist and chamber music performer GUAN Changxin is one of the laureates at the 1992 China National Piano Competition and the 1st prize winner of the 8th Martin Memorial International Piano ......


The 7th USASU International Piano Competition | ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts 人們犯罪有很多理由,有時為了財、有時為了情、有時只是一下子情緒衝動。但也有人的犯罪行為似乎是找不到正常的解釋,以下就是7個真實的案例,若不是警方證實,你絕對不會相信這些詭異的行為真的發生在這世界上呀~他們真的不只是都市傳說阿! 1.波士頓搔癢客 美國波士頓的Brighton地區,流傳著一位搔癢客的The 7th Bösendorfer and Yamaha US ASU International Piano Competition The competition is a biennial event and the 7th competition takes place in January 4–11, 2015. Brazilian conductor and pianist Ricardo Castro will join the distinguished panel of judges...


The 7th USASU International Piano Competition | ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts 人們常說小孩的舉動很脫序,但喝醉酒的大人也會出現失控情況。下面這些小孩的畫面是不是讓你想起某個喝茫了的酒鬼? 有點醉意的大叔看來就是如此… 甚至連吃東西都有問題! 有些人喝了酒就想睡覺…而且隨時入睡! 喝醉的人都會有一些令人費解的行為(通常酒醒了也忘了…)The 7th Bösendorfer and Yamaha US ASU International Piano Competition Results 7th Bösendorfer US ASU International Piano Competition (ages 19–32) First Prize: Sung Chang, Republic of Korea Second Prize: EunAe Lee, Republic of Korea Third Prize: not ......


'Magic rabbit' nears extinction in China - 【JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此】 相信大家都欣賞過時尚街拍,各眾型人都能在瞬間擺弄出完美姿勢的才能,真是讓人不禁起立掌聲鼓勵一番,或動或靜,每一舉手投足都流露出獨特的自信之美。曾經看過街拍攝影師工作的幕後花絮,才明白許多乍看之下不經意捕捉到的美麗,其實是被拍與拍攝者經過反覆溝通協調、才誕Beijing (CNN)Native to a remote region of China, this tiny mammal, known as the Ili pika, doesn't know it's a member of an endangered species -- and neither do most people. Rarer -- and some would argue cuter-- than the panda, there are less than 1,000 of...


Concours de Genève | Piano 2014突然想買個大包包方便出遊幾天裝衣服 上網隨便看了一下就訂了這款     看起來還可以....   ..... ....... .......... ............ ..............嗯!?         XXHere you can download and print the rules of the Piano 2014 competition 1. General Conditions Conditions of admission The 69 th Geneva Competition is open to all pianists born after November 30, 1984 regardless of nationality. There are no exceptions to t...
