帥氣龐克元老 BOUNTY HUNTER 2014春夏系列變形蟲菸灰缸
Shield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 日本潮流品牌 BOUNTY HUNTER,擁有老字號的地位,一路走來都以龐克風格為特色,至今仍擁有許多品牌愛好者,Spring/Summer 2014 推出品牌週邊商品菸灰缸,以變形蟲圖案為設計,帶來生活的酷炫家居週邊商品。【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲A shield is a type of personal armor, meant to intercept attacks, either by stopping projectiles such as arrows or redirecting a hit from a sword, mace, battle axe or similar weapon to the side of the shield-bearer. Shields vary greatly in size, ranging f...