04. SHINee - 1분만 (One Minute Back) [SHINee - Everybody (The 5th Mini Album)] - YouTube英特爾原裝螺絲 電腦安裝技術服務 說起對付「刮三」的客戶,我同事倒有一個經典故事。當年他送電腦上門,順便幫客戶裝常用軟件,被這位客戶看到,閒閒地問:「你有好多軟件嘛,裝一個要多少錢啊?」 同事隨口答:「不用錢的,免費幫你裝好。」 客戶一聽,雙眼立馬放光:「免費的?那好,你給我每樣裝一個,我統統都要![EP] 샤이니 -- The 5th Mini Album 'Everybody' Release Date: 2013.10.14 Genre: Ballad, Pop Dance, Electro Language: Korean SHINee delivered the one-two punch of Dream Girl and Why So Serious? in the first half of the year. Now they're back again with their fi...