shinee world 歌詞

[中字HD] SHINee - 你和我的距離(Selene 6.23) 歌詞版 - YouTubex! 歐巴馬也上榜!?   鐘鉉寫的詞真的太感傷了好好聽好有畫面啊 聽說Selene 是月亮女神之一 而6.23那天是韓國的滿月 建議按高清模式 轉載分享要註明出處喔!! 禁止二次上傳!!!! Prohibit the uploading 翻譯參考Hello金鐘鉉中文網娜娜&英文歌詞...


Shinee lyrics | 小編好餓... 26 explanations, 26 meanings for Shinee lyrics including Lucifer, Hello, Stand By Me at ... Shinee (???, stylized as SHINee) is a contemporary R&B South Korean boy band. Formed by SM Entertainment in 2008, they made their debut on May 25 .....


SHINee - 维基百科情人節快到了,為了保護視力,還是糾咖打牌吧...T^T 1 基本資料 1.1 團名由來 1.2 歌迷名稱 1.3 應援顏色 1.4 固定隊形 1.5 出道歷程 2 成員資料 3 歷史 3.1 出道前 3.2 2008:首张迷你专辑《Replay》、首张正規专辑《SHINee WORLD》 3.3 2009:第二張迷你專輯《ROMEO》、第三張迷你專輯《2009, YEAR OF US》...


Shinee - Replay lyrics | LyricsMode.com也許你也擺過這些"專業"的姿勢喔!     扭啊扭~屁屁噘一個! 啊~愛情ㄟ恰恰~ 功夫要好,馬步要紮的穩~!  Never get tired to listening to this song. God I've listened it like hundered times now and just can't get enough of it. Shinee come to myanmar. I love you all~ I love replay and tae min is the cutest and the best guy in the whole entire world and he is m...


Shinee - A-Yo (Eng Subs) Lyrics - YouTube我...我...我以為那是菜單啦! I know there's like tons of the english lyrics videos already but i just wanted to do this song in my own style since I love this song from the album. Their smiles are just perfect for this sweet song lol. I changed the lyrics a bit to make sense, so if a...
