SHINHWA 신화 ZARA 在本季釋出四款不同類型的男模演繹風格穿搭,而這四位可都是來頭不小阿!不僅有好萊塢女星綺拉奈特莉 Keira Knightley 的老公 James Righton 領銜,加上好萊塢知名造型師 John Nollet ,大家對他可能不甚熟悉,不過他可是曾經幫妮可基嫚 Nicole"우리는신화 입니다!" this tumblr is dedicated to SHINHWA - composed of Eric, Lee Min Woo, Kim Dong Wan, Shin Hye Sung, Park Jun Jin and Andy - who has been jumpin' and rockin' the stage for more than 14 years. - TAG LIST - This tumblr is also part of the kpop dir...