SHINHWA 신화為何“傻”女人的婚姻更幸福 強弱不在口頭上,太精明的女人不可愛 人們最為鄙視的一種男人,是所謂那種“外面的窩囊廢,灶炕裡的英雄”。也是,好男兒不能建功立業也罷了,在妻兒面前逞威風,算哪門子的英雄?對於女人,也是同樣的道理,現代社會,男女同"우리는신화 입니다!" this tumblr is dedicated to SHINHWA - composed of Eric, Lee Min Woo, Kim Dong Wan, Shin Hye Sung, Park Jun Jin and Andy - who has been jumpin' and rockin' the stage for more than 14 years. - TAG LIST - This tumblr is also part of the kpop dir...