AWESOMEMOD! SHINY! WIP - Download & Announcements 回復一: 面對這麼一個腦殘的問題,我就給一個腦殘的答案好了…… 首先,我們要明確一點,花木蘭從軍這麼多年,沒有被發現是女人,一定不僅僅是來大姨媽沒有被發現那麼簡單。 相貌胸部皮膚這些都不能太好,不然你忽悠不過去。當兵的可能文化知識水平不高,但是人家還是見過女人的。 你要UPDATE Fixed some more EAxian issues, including ones where gaining a buff boosted skill gain of one skill, and then having it expire reduced the skill gain of some other skill, in a permanent loop. Added "fixscuba" command to refloat scuba buoys and scuba...