shodan cnn

Shodan: The scariest search engine on the Internet - Apr. 8, 2013 (source:Dcard本文圖片皆取自同處)   想要讓彼此的感情更好嗎?試試下面這個方法!保證會讓彼此感情更好,一定要試試!(如果有人看到一半就沒有已讀,那可不要怪小編哦,那是他太沒耐心了...)   以下轉載自Dcard原PO: 最近我親愛的弟弟脫魯成功  大器"When people don't see stuff on Google, they think no one can find it. That's not true." That's according to John Matherly, creator of Shodan, the scariest search engine on the Internet. Unlike Google (GOOG), which crawls the Web looking for websites, Sho...


Shodan | Know Your Meme (翻攝自Dcard) 這個女生也太相信一個剛剛跟自己搭訕的人了吧....   完全不認識,我是不會想把自己東西丟給人家,   還讓他陪我去開刀的,   一口答應初次見面的陌生男子來醫院照顧,   這有點不太合邏輯啊~~~   驗證了一句話 &nbsOn April 8th, 2013, CNN [11] published an article about the search engine, noting the troubling discoveries made by Tentler and other cyber security researchers. The same day, the article was submitted to the /r/technology [12] subreddit, where it receive...


network - How can I protect my internet-connected devices from discovery by Shodan? - Information Se 圖翻攝自 下同 近日,在網路上流傳著一段「為何韓國男人的手,永遠都不會碰到韓國女人?」的說法,許多人議論紛紛,看法不同!就連長期台灣韓國兩地往返的人都不明白這其中的含義~ 到底韓國男人為什麼都不會碰到女人的身體?我們就先來看看網友們的說法  There's been a lot of buzz around this recent CNN article about Shodan, a search engine that can find and allow access to unsecured internet-connected devices. Shodan runs 24 ......


The Deep Web you don't know about - Mar. 10, 2014 (翻攝自Dcard) 男性本色,每個男的都一樣,只是差在色的程度如何慾望多大而已, 有人就是不想要只和一個人發生性關係, 女生也是有,除了宗教信仰而有所戒慾的人除外。 男生就是精蟲衝腦就會想,發洩之後又能淡然面對事物, 但情慾投入太快,卻沒有感情做為基底,激情之後會顯得更空虛吧... 當一個人越有When you surf the Web, you really are just floating at the surface. Dive below and there are tens of trillions of pages -- an unfathomable number -- that most people have never seen. They include everything from boring statistics to human body parts for s...


Security of Home Surveillance Cameras | Security Intelligence Blog | Trend Micro (   女生在有男生的世界,一直和只有同性的世界不同。也因此一對比之下,許多爆笑的情節,就這樣產生了。這不是做作,而是自然發展情況下,就是會轉變成這樣!   1.吃飯時間到了~ 男女合校:女生一起吃便當,包裝可愛的便當,搭配上銀鈴般的笑聲Home surveillance/security cameras have been available for quite some time, and can be used to keep track of one’s home, children, pets, or business. ... Hello, Thanks for sharing nice and informative post. I am agreeing with you about Home Surveillance C...


Pisces Sun, Aries Moon: The Mystic, the Magicians, and The Men Who Watch the Moon ("Inside the world[香港-台北訊]有「港版星野亞希」之稱的程芷渝(Milla)為了給讀者有更多的新鮮感,透露將會作出重大突破。即將演出舞台劇及微電影的Milla程芷渝表示:專程還請了黃秋生及甄詠○兩位重量級老師傳授獨門演藝秘訣,做好準備功夫。   程芷渝Milla表示:「黃秋生及甄詠○兩位重量級老師都好niStrange coincidence #1: Using its establishment date as its date of birth, the search engine “Shodan” is also a Pisces Sun, Aries Moon. (Chart) A recent CNN article referred to Shodan as the “scariest search engine on the planet”, describing it as “a kind...
