short int long int

Char, Short, Int and Long Types - Integer Types - Data Types - Language Basics - MQL4 Reference大陸找來的文章,十分爆笑,由於大陸的用語與台灣不同,看起來也覺得特別有趣,作者及網址:薩蘇一個朋友在武漢幫人家搞個野生動物園,說起艱辛來一言難盡,艱辛以外還出了  不少笑話。    先是狗熊扒車跑出去了,把一家肉食鋪子吃的一塌糊塗,抓回來,第二頭熊又爬車頂上跑出去了,還Char, Short, Int and Long Types char The char type takes 1 byte of memory (8 bits) and allows expressing in the binary notation 2^8=256 values. The char type can contain both positive and negative values. The range of values is from -128 to 127. uchar The...


Toast | Android Developers流傳在記者圈的一個笑話一條蛇與一隻兔子在森林中的叉路相撞, 兩人爭吵一陣後竟然發現彼此都是瞎子,於是便惺惺相惜了起來。蛇泣道:「我從小就沒了父母,連水中的倒影也看不見。到現在我還不曉得我是什麼動物」。「我也是耶?」 兔子也感傷的說。「我也不知道自己長什麼樣子...」一陣長談,蛇想出了一個點子。他跟兔Class Overview A toast is a view containing a quick little message for the user. The toast class helps you create and show those. When the view is shown to the user, appears as a floating view over the application. It will never receive focus. The user wi...


c++ faq - What does the C++ standard state the size of int, long type to be? - Stack Overflow我忘記他去哪個大學面試了~~就推甄的第二階段面試面試官除了問些一定會問到的"為什麼會想來唸這個"..之類的之外因為它是有點藝能的科系,所以面試官有叫面試生做才藝表演我朋友沒料到這個,發現別人拉小提琴啦幹麻的都好屌他就囧在那邊一下下(什麼都沒準備)然後他腦袋我不知道怎麼回事,突然出現一個Idea當面試For 32-bit systems, the 'de facto' standard is ILP32 — that is, int, long and pointer are all 32-bit quantities. For 64-bit systems, the primary Unix 'de facto' standard is LP64 — long and pointer are 64-bit (but int is 32-bit). The Windows 64-bit standar...


Java and unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned byte, unsigned long, etc. (Or rather, the lack there檢舉 哈哈哈!~太好笑了~ 分類:休閒生活2011/01/19 12:41 哈哈哈!~太好笑了~跟朋友通 msn 時也常看到他的無厘頭打字我:你怎麼說著說著突然不見了??他:歹勢... 電鳥當雞我:....................他:呃...歹勢歹勢... 是電腦當機啦... X Java and unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned byte, unsigned long, etc. (Or rather, the lack thereof) Written by Sean R. Owens, sean at guild dot net, released to the public domain. Share and enjoy. Since some people argue that it is impossible to relea...


C Language Keywords - The Official TIGCC Site中午休息時間~麥x勞和肯x雞(大家都知道的)擠滿了人潮,忽然有一位學生氣喘吁吁的跑進來......我要雞糞兩塊小姐(驚):妳...你要吃雞糞?!男孩:抱歉!我是說雞塊兩份!!!小姐:...迷:原來是他跑太快了,才會說成雞糞兩塊。Standard ANSI C recognizes the following keywords: auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if int long register return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while In add...


C# Int Type - C# Tutorial: Dot Net Perls有一對夫妻相處了好幾年.但老公每次和妻子做愛卻覺得妻子還不夠意思.於是.妻子就去問醫生:[醫生.我和我老公相處八年了.但我老公還覺得我不夠意思.我該怎麼做??]醫生說:[喔!!你再跟你老公做時.你要(叫房)啦!].隔天.妻子就去跟醫生說:[你欠打嗎??我老公還是覺得我不夠意思.]醫生說:[那你昨天是This C# article shows the int type. This 4-byte integer type is common and useful. ... .NET Array Dictionary List String 2D Async DataTable Dates DateTime Enum File For Foreach Format IEnumerable If IndexOf Lambda LINQ Parse Path Process Property Random R...
