COOL-ID SHOT GLASS - Magisso-Finnish Design Brand - Magisso (圖片來源) 如題,有ppt網友搞不清楚宋芸樺和夏宇喬有什麼不同,熱心網友順便整理出古今中外長相激似卻全無血緣關係的名人,有的相似程度甚至高達99%... 宋芸樺 VS 夏于喬 http://i.imgur.com/Fb26w4H.jpg http://i.imgur.cTo keep your favorite drink longer in the hottest weather without any ice, this self-cooling shot glass is the best choice. ... The Self-Cooling Shot Glass allows you to keep your favorite drink colder longer even in the hottest weather. Just soak the it ...